White Church Alternative Notices Week 36 Dear Church Friends, How are you all today? Thursday was a ‘do you want the good news or the bad news’ sort of day. […]
Advent Service 29th November ’20
Prayer of approach and hope. God of light and longing, with hope we look to you this day.At this season of the year – this time of short days and […]
Church Notices 22/11/20
Dear Church Friends, Hello once again – It’s now Week 35. Are you feeling more hopeful as the light at the end of the tunnel becomes slightly brighter? Three possible […]
Home Service for 22nd November ’20
(Picture by Chris Darley) Call to Worship We are called to love the Lord our God with all our heart and soulWe are called to love with all our mind […]
Church Notices 14/11/20
Week 34 Dear Church Friends, How are you coping as the weeks go by? I know it’s not easy as the days shorten and the weather becomes dreary on occasions. […]
Home Service for 15th November ’20
(Picture by Chris Darley) Prayers of Approach and Thanksgiving We come to you, gracious God,we who have many talents and we who have few;we who have much confidence and we […]
Church Notices 07/11/20
Week 33 Dear Church Friends, How is everyone? We are having to get used to Lockdown Two! Once again life has changed for all of us this week. Our ability […]
Home Service for 8th November ’20
(Picture by Chris Darley) Opening Prayer God of peace, we acknowledge that we have not sought peace enough.God of love, we acknowledge that we have not always been loving.God of […]