Church Notices 6th February 2021

Dear Church Friends,

What sort of a week have you all had?


It was sad to hear of the passing at the age of 100 of Captain Sir Tom Moore on Tuesday, but what a wonderful final year he had. He raised the spirits of the whole nation with his marvellous attitude as well as raising an incredible amount of money for NHS Charites and having a separate Charitable Foundation set up in his name. We give praise and thanks to God for his life and remember his family in our prayers. He inspired so many people from the very youngest to the oldest and I’m sure his spirit will live on amongst us all. “Tomorrow will be a good day”,  even though Captain Tom is no longer there to remind us.


Monday saw the calendar change to February. The 2017 Friendship book entry for the 1st February says: “ an old folk tradition describes February as a rosy-cheeked country maid, pulling her shawl tight around her, wiping her hair from her face and walking carefully over the frozen snow – but all the while looking out for the buds on the hedgerows, delighting in the songs of the birds and appreciating the blossom on the blackthorn. In other words, finding beauty even in the bleakest of days.

She would have got on well with the romantic poet William Cullen Bryant who wrote, “The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.”

Aware of the difficulties of the day but not cowed by them, looking forward to better and certain she won’t be disappointed, Miss February sounds like a fine example for the rest of us to follow.”


Daylight is getting longer and the sun gets higher in the sky.  A sign we always look forward to in February is when we start to see the sun’s zenith above the roof of the house next door to us. We know better things are coming. On recent walks we have observed a couple of egrets on the beach and seen at least 6 pairs of tufted ducks on Fairhaven Lake. One item on TV that put a smile on our faces was the video of the giant pandas enjoying the snow in a zoo in China.  They were rolling about in it and sliding down a hill on their backsides, getting to the bottom and going back up for more. Their sheer exuberance and obvious pleasure were a joy to watch.

Last week I mentioned the snowdrops in Robin Park, but this week we have seen the yellow crocus in Sparrow Park on the other side of Ballam Road. The daffodil was hiding in the shade amongst the trees in Witch Wood with a shaft of sunlight highlighting the flower.





Some words of encouragement from Amanda-Jayne Lanceley


Sometimes life’s hard going, the way can seem so tough,

Yet our Saviour promises He’ll give us strength enough.

Though the road ahead is hidden, the Good Lord knows the way,

He guides us and directs us, through each brand-new day.

So remember as we journey we don’t journey on our own,

Jesus walks beside us so we’ll never walk alone.


A Reminder of the Message from Rev Jim Williams



Janet Sherwood of the White Church has supplied Real Easter Eggs for a long time now.

Initially they were only available through Fairtrade etc outlets. Then they made their way to the supermarket shelves. And then last Easter was a washout due to the Covid lockdown so the supermarkets are not stocking them this year – but Janet is!

All the profits made on sales go into buying more eggs for distribution around needy families in Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde.

Please, please support Janet in this initiative; it’s a great form of outreach, evangelism and discipleship.

Eggs are available in dark chocolate (£5.50) and milk chocolate (£4.50) – just call or email Janet with your orders and work out between you suitable delivery. The eggs are really thick and luxurious chocolate. They come with a booklet telling the Passion Story. If you don’t eat chocolate (like me) then why not buy an egg to be sent to a child who might not otherwise get one?

God Bless



P.S. Lent starts soon (17/2/21) and the rumours that these eggs can safely be eaten whilst abstaining from chocolate are false!













Wednesday Morning Partnership Coffee Morning 10:30am each week

                                            All are welcome  Please join Jim and Janet.

Join Zoom Meeting
Click this link

or telephone 02030512874 (Meeting ID: 811 6648 4469, Passcode: 714395)


                                  Weekly Sunday Worship 10:30am and 6:30pm  


Jim and Janet invite you to Weekly Worship via Zoom.


This Sunday 7th February,  Jim will lead the morning worship and Janet will lead the evening worship. Communion will be celebrated during worship. Pease have your elements ready. Please come and join other members of the partnership in this unified act of worship.



Every Sunday Morning Worship via Zoom at 10:30am

To join us click this link:

or phone 0203 051 2874 and then supply the following information when asked:

Meeting ID: 845 3212 8356

Passcode: 143308


Every Sunday Evening Worship via Zoom at 6:30pm

Or phone: 0203 051 2874 and then supply the following information when asked:

Meeting ID: 846 5904 6240

Passcode: 506780






Let us pray


Dear Lord,

Thank you for the life of Captain Sir Tom. Let us pray for all bereaved families and we ask for Your blessing on their loved ones. We pray for those we know who are ill or recovering from operations –  either at home or in hospital; those caring for sick relatives; those suffering in any way – physically  or mentally; those who are anxious, worried or tired of hearing about Covid. Please help them to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and we will get there in the end. Please grant us patience and resilience to weather the coronavirus storm. We have come so far but need reassurance and to stay united in our aim to beat the consequences of the virus.

We give thanks for those around the world working to produce the different vaccines and pray for harmony and cooperation between nations to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to receive a vaccine and make effective management of this virus possible. Thank you for the blessings in our lives. They come in all different ways and we are grateful for them. Please show us Your loving care and remind us that Your thoughts and love are fixed on us. In Jesus’ name.  Amen





Please join me in saying the Grace together.

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy     Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen


God Bless you all            



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