Harvest Thanksgiving Service

Richard Golding is leading us in worship on Sunday, 22nd September. This will be our Harvest Thanksgiving Service.

All are welcome. Our service starts at 10.45am.

Traditionally, at this time, we give thanks for the produce that has been newly harvested and some of that produce is brought into the church and displayed. Those of us who are fortunate to have what we need can help those in difficulty. We ask that produce is brought to the church that can be given to Fylde Food Bank.

Specifically, the things the Food Bank needs right now are:
Long life juice (orange/apple etc.)
Shower Gel
Tinned fish, e.g. tuna
Tinned Vegetables (peas/carrots/sweet corn
Tinned potatoes
Tinned rice pudding
(They don’t need any beans at the moment!)

Our Director of Music is Arthur Lingings.

Coffee is served after the service in the Dawson Hall.

Also, our Church is open to visitors on Sunday afternoon, 1.00pm-4.30pm.

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