The Stuart Gay Memorial School

Over the last five years the White Church has supported a school in West Africa which was founded by Stuart Gay of Blackpool Salvation Army. Stuart is a good friend of the White Church and sometimes leads our Sunday worship.

The ‘Stuart Gay Memorial School’ is a school for 4 to 7 year olds in the shanty town of Nema Kunku in Gambia, providing basic education for children of families who cannot afford to pay for State education. The school has grown from a single class of 10 children in a basic shell of a room to a building in its own compound with 98 children. 95% of the funding for the school has been provided by the outreach ministry of the White Church.

The children are provided with a basic school uniform (in turn giving employment to a local tailor and income to the cloth seller) and are given a basic breakfast of milk and rice each morning: nutrition that they would not get at home. Salaries for three teachers are provided. Work to develop the school is continuing.

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