Dear Church Friends,
How are you today? This week has seen the Covid situation become much more serious and we need to think about and support our Church Family in whatever way we can. I hope you don’t mind if I repeat some words from last week which are so important.
I have been thinking about everyone this week and hoping that you are keeping well and not getting too downhearted with the current situation and regulations imposed by coronavirus. Remember you are not alone as the Lord is with you. Even though we are unable to see people face to face we can still chat on the phone and keep in touch.
I should like to thank Val for leading our worship and celebration of Communion last Sunday. It was a meaningful and uplifting service with lovely music. 16 people attended and I feel sure everyone was pleased to have the opportunity to join in with Communion in the Sanctuary once again. Even though the format is different, it is no less sincere, merely a different way of doing something.
There has been over 100 mm of rain in the last week, although fortunately much of it has come overnight. On Thursday I was able to play in the Ladies competition on a very wet golf course. When walking down the 8th hole, my partners and I heard a rhythmic whistling or humming sound above us. We looked up and saw 7 swans flying overhead in formation. It wasn’t ‘seven swans aswimming’, but seven swans aflying! Apparently the noise their wings make can carry for over a mile and may help them to communicate with one another. The birds were not very far above us but were silent apart from the noise of their wings. Were they one family? Were they part of a larger group? Where have they come from and where were they going? Fairhaven Lake? Southport? Who knows! Nature gives us much to enjoy and think about. It brightens up our days.
We frequently see and hear geese flying high overhead in their traditional formation and I am sure they are communicating when we hear their loud honking sounds.
QR Code
The Government has launched a new App for mobile phones to help Track and Trace contacts of people who test positive. Using this involves downloading the App to your mobile phone and then scanning a QR Code at every public venue you visit. I’m sure this all sounds like a foreign language to many of you, but please don’t worry as there is no requirement to use this system and all people visiting our services will have their names recorded on the weekly register as happened last Sunday. For those who wish to use the App there is a QR Code at the White Church for you to scan on entry. Three copies of the QR code have been positioned, one at each entrance of the White Church. The system has been tested using the app downloaded on an apple phone and it shows the location, date and time of registration on the phone screen. Inside the main porch entrance the QR Code is positioned on the wall to the left of the steps leading into the sanctuary.
All names are put on the Booking Register for that week and each Register is retained for three weeks.
If anyone who visits our Church is unfortunate to receive a positive test result at any time, please would you let me know.
Fairtrade Advent Calendars
Janet S has asked me to include the following information this week:
“I am selling the Real Advent calendar again which has Fairtrade chocolates and a booklet for children explaining the real meaning of Christmas. I would welcome purchases and donations and will use the profit to buy more. The Fylde Fairtrade Group donates them to our three chosen charities- Sydney Street Children’s Centre in St. Annes , Blackpool & Fylde Home Start and Fylde Coast Women’s Aid. In the past we have also supported Brian House Children’s Hospice but they don’t want chocolate eggs or calendars anymore just money. Our purpose is to promote the Christian message and Fairtrade.
I also have the Traidcraft Autumn/Winter catalogue featuring Christmas cards, craft and food. These can be picked up in Church on Sundays, I can drop one off or it can be viewed online.
Janet S
01253 739195/ 07837750810”
After last Christmas, Janet wrote in the church notices that the profit from selling over 200 calendars and donations meant that 120 calendars were delivered to the chosen charities. I realise that it won’t be as straightforward this year, but please let’s try and give as many children as we can a bit of cheer this December. Please speak to Janet if you require any further information. Thank you in anticipation.
Our Worship tomorrow – Sunday October 11th will be led by Stuart Gay.
If you are intending to come, please will you let me know by 6pm today.
Our Worship on Sunday 18th October will be led by Andrew Barratt.
Please be aware that it is necessary to leave the Church doors open for ventilation during services, so if the weather is chilly please wear some warm clothing.
Bible Studies
Rev Jim Williams has offered to lead weekly Bible Studies, both via Zoom and physically, starting with Genesis.
If you are interested in joining in please let the Acting Secretary know.
Sunday Communion Services
Rev Jim and Rev Janet conduct a regular Communion service on Sundays at 7pm. This can be accessed on Zoom and by phone. People should ring Jim – 01253 896371 or Janet – 01253 896056 for details and access.
Lancashire West Partnership Zoom Coffee Morning
You are invited to join Daleen at October’s online Partnership Coffee Morning on Tuesday13th Oct @ 10am- Please join Daleen for a brief act of worship and fellowship around the coffee table. Don’t forget to bring your coffee/tea in your favourite cup. 10am- If you would like to join in, and you haven’t signed up before, please drop Daleen an email, so that she can email you an invite. [email protected]
The Elders will be meeting on Monday. Please remember them in your prayers as they continue to work on your behalf to sustain the work of the Lord in our Church.
October 10th 2020 I should like to share today’s thought from the Friendship Book with you:-
What’s the only flag the British Navy flies higher than its national flag? The Worship Pennant, indicating prayer time or religious services are underway.
The Royal Navy’s Worship Pennant was created when England and Holland were at war and is composed of emblems from both countries.
So, at times of prayer, it was possible to fly the enemy’s banner.
This Sunday, if you can, why not lay aside enmity and division and sit a while in unity, under the One who is above all flags and greater than all divisions?
Let us Pray
Dear Lord,
Please give us strength to accept the challenges we may have to face in the coming winter months. We pray for those who feel overwhelmed, fearful or lonely during this long period of separation from family and friends. We pray for our Church Friends who are unwell or recovering from operations, whether in hospital or at home. Comfort them and give them your peace. Encourage us and support us as we continue to seek to do your will. Help us to see the positive things in our lives, for we know ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’ Guide and Bless us all along our way and give us courage, hope and support. You are the everlasting light in the world and Your love for us is inextinguishable.
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all