Dear Church Friends,
Hello again. Have you had a good week? The weather has been typical November gloom for most of the week, although I did hear a few birds singing on Thursday morning after it became light. It may be mild, but not very sunny.
I am sorry to have to tell you that Christina Munro passed away recently. She and her late husband David were members of this church until they were no longer able to attend. Christine’s funeral will be at Lytham Park Crematorium on Friday 3rd December at 2pm. Please remember Christina’s family in your prayers.
Roger Norris’s funeral will be held at Lytham Park Crematorium on Wednesday 24th November at 1.15pm. Please remember Anne and family in your prayers.
The scaffolding has been removed from the church, so the gates should now be open. Please only park in the church grounds if you have mobility problems. Unfortunately outside the church, work in replacing the gas pipes is ongoing and instead of the usual traffic lights there is a 4 way system of lights with only one side of Clifton Drive open. I don’t know whether you are aware that on Sunday, the Windmill Remembrance Day 10k run is taking place, starting at Lytham Windmill and various roads near the church will be closed from 10.30 to 13.30. The Promenade will be closed between King Edward Avenue and the White Church, and Clifton Drive will be closed between the White Church and Seafield Road. Nevertheless we still hope you will be able to attend our Remembrance Day Service.
A poem by Jean Harris
Listen to the waves as they lap across the sand,
Listen to the wind as it gently cools the land.
Listen to the birds and all creatures of the earth,
Every one with a special voice that tells us of God’s worth.
Listen to the young, listen to the old,
Listen to the lonely and those out in the cold.
Listen to their message, listen to their need,
Listen very carefully, listen – and heed.
Some beauty tips seen in a church magazine.
“There is no lotion or potion on earth that enhances a face like a smile.” Anon
“Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and famous preservers of youthful looks.” Charles Dickens
“If you live close to God and His infinite grace, you don’t have to tell; it shows on your face.” Anon
Our Worship for Remembrance Sunday on Sunday 14th November at 10.45am will be led by Rev Janet Calderley. Communion will be served at this service. To make it easier for the stewards to serve you, would you please sit in alternate pews. Following the service people will be asked to gather round the Peace Pole to ‘plant’ their wooden crosses and say some prayers.
Bible Readings Micah 4: 1-4 and John 15: 9-17
Our Worship on Sunday 21st November at 10.45am will be led by Rev Martin Graham
Our Worship on Sunday 28th November at 10.45am will be led by the Worship Group.
Real Advent Calendar
Janet is still selling The Real Advent Calendar and she would welcome purchases and donations. She will use the profit to buy more calendars for distribution to three organisations that support children on the Fylde coast – Sydney Street Children’s Centre in St. Annes , Blackpool & Fylde Home Start and Fylde Coast Women’s Aid. The calendars cost £3.99. Thank you for your help.
Remembrance Wooden Crosses with Poppy.
Wooden crosses are still available from Val Atkinson. If you would like to purchase one the cost price is £1.25 and any money donated in addition will go to the British Legion.
Poppies are also available from the table at the back of the church.
The Table Top Sale last Saturday raised £464.85 plus additional money taken in the shop and also for the refreshments, so over £500 was raised for the church that morning. That is a magnificent amount. Thank you Jan for suggesting and organising the sale and thank you to the dedicated team of helpers who have put in so much time and effort to make it happen. The combined effort of pre event, during the event and post event help was wonderful, but without items to sell it wouldn’t have been a success, so thank you to all who donated or baked anything. It was good to get together and see team work in action. Thank you everyone.
The Church AGM will be held Sunday 28th November 2021 after morning worship
As the church was unable to hold an AGM last year because of Covid, we will be holding a short AGM in church after worship on Sunday 28th November. The Agenda will be sent out this weekend. Anyone wishing to be sent a copy of the 2020 accounts should request one from me by email. If you don’t use email and would like a paper copy, please ask me and I will print one for you. Trying to save paper otherwise!
Let us pray
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for all your angels who help to raise funds for the continuation of Your work in this church. We are blessed with having so many people willing to help and give freely of their time and talents. We thank you for sending them to us. On this Remembrance Sunday we remember all those who gave their lives during times of conflict and pray for their families, and trust that their sacrifice will never be forgotten. Be with us during the coming week and pour Your Blessings on us. Thanks be to God. Amen
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all