White Church Notices 19th June 2021

Dear Church Friends, 

How are you all today? I’m sure many will be disappointed that everywhere will not be opening up again on 21st June, as had been hoped for. Plans are once more being disrupted and having to be revised. Following the extension of the current covid restrictions, Janet’s induction has had to be scaled down and the number of people able to attend from each church will be limited to four and there will be no refreshments following the service. The service will be live-streamed, so those who wish to, will be able to watch it and a link will be sent nearer the day. The Elders have decided that Sunday morning coffee will not take place before 19th July. 

I hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy the recent warm, sunny weather. It’s been a change not to think about taking a brolly ‘just in case of rain’. The downside is the lack of rainwater to refresh parks, gardens, plants and trees. Lawns are turning brown and some plants are wilting unless given water.  It helps us to have some understanding of how people living in countries experiencing a drought must feel and give thanks that this country has the resources to artificially water our crops. It’s hard to believe that it is the summer solstice on Monday after which daylight will slowly start to decrease. 

John Muir was a Scottish naturalist in America in the 19th century and helped places like Yosemite achieve National Park status. He once wrote; “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” 


Inspiration  by Olive Beazley-Long 

One smile begins a friendship 
One handclasp lifts a soul,  
One star can guide a ship at sea 
One word can frame the goal. 
One step must start each journey 
One word must start each prayer, 
One hope will raise our spirits 
One touch can show you care. 
One voice can speak with wisdom 
One heart can know what’s true, 
One life can make a difference – 

You see, it’s up to you! 


Our Worship on Sunday 20th June at 10.45am will be led by Andrew Barratt 
Please book before 6pm on Saturday 19th June. 


Our Worship on Sunday 27th June at 10.45am will be led by Rev Terry Hudson 
Please book before 6pm on Saturday 26th June. 


Induction of Rev Janet Calderley on 4th July 2021 at 3pm. 

This service will be live-streamed.  


A lady who had been on holiday in Rome was asked which of the sights she had visited was her favourite. She replied that it was the Colosseum. When asked what she liked about it, she replied that “it is proof that you can be old and you can be broken but you can still be magnificent!” 


Let us pray 

Dear Lord, we pray for the increasing numbers of those who have the Delta variant of the virus and hope that the continued roll-out of the vaccines will enable life to return to a more ‘normal’ way for everyone after July 19th. We give thanks for all those involved in developing, manufacturing, supplying and delivering the vaccines. Give us patience to get through the next few weeks of the roadmap. We pray for those known to us who are going through their own difficult times and ask You to comfort, strengthen and love them, pouring out Your blessings on them.  You are our rock.  Thank you for Your Holy Spirit within us. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Dear Lord Jesus, 

Please join me in saying the Grace together. 

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy          Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen 

God Bless you all       



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