The congregation is made up of all sorts of people from the local community. We meet to worship God, to share fellowship, and to try to live out God’s mission in the world. We try to get involved in what’s happening in our own area, and we also support international charities such as Christian Aid.
Fairhaven United Reformed Church belongs to the West Lancashire Partnership of the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church.
The West Lancashire Partnership is a grouping of eleven URC Churches co-operating together in a Missional Partnership. This is about enabling and supporting one another in local mission and ministry.
The partnership has two stipendiary ministers: Reverend Jim Williams and Reverend Janet Calderley. Their role is to work with the member churches as a group and help draw them together in an effective partnership.
At Fairhaven URC we invite a variety of individuals to lead our weekly worship and, from our own membership, we have a Worship Group that lead some services.
We have a team of elected Elders, who serve the church through decision-making, planning, organising, serving Communion, and in lots of other ways.
Our Elders:
- Val Atkinson, Worship Group Leader
- Ruth Cooper, Acting Secretary
- Sheila Eisemuth, Church Registrar
- Jan Hirst
- Zeke Goodwin
- Ian Lucy
- Robin Sherwood