Home Service 26th November 2023

Call to Worship

The Lord rounds us up like a shepherd with his sheep, making sure that we want for nothing and rest in safety.
The Lord leads us where we need to go, making our paths as smooth as they can be.
Whatever life throws at us, we have no reason to fear, for you, Lord, are with us and comfort us.
Whatever struggles we have to endure, whatever opposition we face, your goodness and mercy go with us, and we will worship you, our God, for ever.


A prayer of confession

We are the ones whose mission it is to build and not destroy, yet we manage to sabotage ourselves and destroy the things we love; but you come, as one of us, to show us how to heal.
We are the ones who reject the cornerstone of our faith, by denying Christ in friend and neighbour; but you come as teacher, to show us how to begin again.
We are the ones who crucify Christ by the wrongs that we do; but you come among us to show us how to witness to your love.

Lord, forgive us, heal us, teach us, and renew us.


Prayer of praise and adoration

Let our prayers ascend like incense scenting the air with praise to overcome the stench of sacrifice.
You, Lord, made yourself the lamb that was slain for all, the one who let humanity do its worst, and you overcame it all, to the glory of God.
You are worthy of all praise and adoration.
Let our prayers raise the roof, filling the air with harmony, to overpower the discord of all our bleatings, for you are the Good Shepherd of the sheep.
You lead us in the ways of God through the hills and valleys of this world.
You are worthy of all adoration and praise.


Please read John 10:11-18


The shepherd protects and guides his sheep. In the parable of the Good Shepherd, Jesus emphasizes that caring for only 99 out of 100 is not what God wants. God desires all people to be saved. God’s church of his people is responsible for shepherding the flock of Jesus. Each of us is called to carry on the mission of Jesus by shepherding those in our care.

Prayer of intercession

We pray for the lost sheep of this world: for politicians striving to hang onto power and influence, for leaders of the nations who have forgotten to serve the common good.
We pray for the lost sheep of this world: for those who follow the fashions and frivolities of today at the expense of tomorrow, for those who get swept along by the crowd on tides of prejudice and easy judgements.
We pray for the lost sheep of this world: for those who wander off on their own, to escape from reality, for those who are led astray, away from safety and well-being.
We pray for the lost sheep of this world: for those who take what they have for granted, for those who are unable to give thanks for the things they have.


A sending out prayer

Lord, send us out like sheep who know their shepherd well, with wisdom to follow in Christ’s footsteps and obey his commands, and the power of his Spirit to guide and bless us.


Suggested Listening

Brother, sister, let me serve you www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlNoxoOocZs

Holy and Anointed One www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkW_PhFw0zM

Nothing In This World – Tim Hughes www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r59RD7jVr8

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