Dear Church Friends,
How is everyone this week? I hope you have been able to enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine over the Bank Holiday. Locally we have seen a huge influx of visitors flocking to the coast to enjoy an area we are fortunate to have all year round. Looking back at my notices for the equivalent week last year, I see we had similar weather, with crowded beaches and cars parked everywhere.
As the opinions about attending coffee after church on Sundays were very mixed, the elders have decided not to start serving coffee before 21st June. The situation will be reviewed at the next elders’ meeting on June 15th. By that date we should also have heard what the government plans for stage 4 of lockdown will be and will be in a better position to make a decision.
If you have a garden, I am sure nature is providing you with new vistas daily, as more and more plants come into flower. Thank you, Anne, for providing the photo above of the magnificent wisteria in your garden. June is certainly ‘busting out all over’, in all its glory.
I was intrigued by a report on breakfast TV on Friday. It showed a man who had created a garden full of exotic trees and plants. He had moved from Cambridge to Sheffield in 1987 and decided to transform the garden at his new house into a “jungle.” His love of the exotic came after a visit to the Lost Gardens of Heligan as a child. Since 1988 his garden has slowly evolved after much trial and error and now features plants from all over the world, including giant bamboos and Chinese palms. Some of the more tender plants did not survive, but most have weathered the Sheffield winters. This shows what a childhood visit can spark off and subsequently be achieved in life, with persistence, hard work and a belief in what you are trying to do. God works in mysterious ways.
It has been a delight to watch Springwatch again this week. The coverage of the various nests and bird activity has been superb and we have heard tales of success and failure in the natural world. Animals also play their part, and we saw footage of fox cubs at play in someone’s garden and many other examples from the natural world.
A Thank you from Janet S for your support of Christian Aid and Traidcraft Exchange
Here are the “final” figures for Christian Aid and Traidcraft Exchange.
Christian Aid £585.44 plus online donations.
Traidcraft Exchange £310 which will be doubled by HM Government to £620 and £215 of the £310 was gift aided @25% so that a further £53.75 will be added making a grand total of £673.75
Janet was on a North West Christian Aid thanksgiving service via Zoom on Wednesday evening and £1.6m has been raised so far through donations and rising. 1.7m people have been reached with aid.
Once again the response by the White Church congregation has been tremendous. Thank you.
A Prayer by Maggie Ingall
Dear Lord, you know I long for
A faith that’s strong and sure,
That holds me when I’m anxious,
Or lost or insecure.
A faith which questions daily
Yet hankers not for proof,
A faith which seeks for answers
Yet knows its inner truth.
Dear Lord, I’m still imperfect,
My faith may sometimes fail,
I am not always trusting
When fears and doubts assail,
Yet hold me, if you will, Lord,
Whene’er my faith feels small,
For this I know for certain –
Your love won’t let me fall.
Some wise words from the pen of Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered by your old nonsense.”
Our Worship on Sunday 6th June at 10.45am will be led by Val Atkinson and will include Communion. If possible, please bring your own individual portion of bread and wine (squash or water) for communion services. There will be some individual prepacked cups with wafers – available for anyone who forgets.
Please book before 6pm on Saturday 5th June.
Our Worship on Sunday 13th June will be led by Richard Golding
Please book before 6pm on Saturday 12th June.
Induction of Rev Janet Calderley.
As you may remember, this should have taken place on 15th March 2020, but had to be postponed because of the increase of covid infections. It is planned that Rev Janet will now be inducted on Sunday 4th July, 3pm at Fleetwood URC. Further details in due course.
Let us pray
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for all that you provide for us day by day. We pray for those who are facing troubled times or have difficult decisions to make. Guide them, support them and show them the way. We pray you will guide the decision makers as they plan the way forward from 21st June. Guide them, support them, show them the way. Thank you for watching over us and caring for us. Amen
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all