White Church Notices 30th October 2021

Dear Church Friends,

Hello again.

I am sorry to have to inform you of the passing of Roger Norris. Roger and his wife were members of our church for many years until they were no longer able to attend. Please remember Anne and family in your prayers.

Although the pointing was completed on Saturday 23rd October, unfortunately the scaffolders are unable to come to take it down before next week. The church gates will remain closed and locked until it has been removed. I apologise to those of you with mobility problems, but as the gates will be closed on Sunday 31st October, once again please park on Clifton Drive near to the pedestrian entrance. There is a wheelchair available for anyone who requires it, so please ask if you need any help with access to the church. I should like to thank those of you who don’t have a problem with mobility for leaving the parking area around the pedestrian entrance available for those who needed it last Sunday, please do so again this week. Thank you.

It’s Hallowe’en this weekend and the weather has been playing some tricks on us this week with things becoming so unsettled and wet. I think we had all the treats earlier in the year when it was so dry. Autumn Watch has returned to our screens this week. Once again we are able to see the healing and restorative effects of the natural world and take a delight in the pictures shown to us. The diversity of wildlife on and around Mull is amazing and the photographers at the Wild Ken Hill nature reserve in Norfolk have produced such interesting pictures with their thermal cameras. One night there were about a dozen hares in a field.

I like to watch gardening programmes as it is always interesting to see how other people make the best of the spaces around their property. One can always learn so much and dream of putting some of the ideas into practice in one’s own garden. These programmes also give much practical advice. Apparently, it has been found that sweetcorn, which is pollinated by the wind, does better growing in rows together, rather than a single row. If broad beans are planted between two rows of peas, all close together, they support each other in strong winds. Life is like that. During the good and bad times, the closeness and support of family and friends are invaluable in helping us to stand firm.

The Real Advent Calendar will be available through Janet who is selling it again. It has Fairtrade chocolates and a booklet for children explaining the real meaning of Christmas. Janet would welcome purchases and donations and will use the profit to buy more calendars for distribution to three organisations that support children on the Fylde coast – Sydney Street Children’s Centre in St. Annes , Blackpool & Fylde Home Start and Fylde Coast Women’s Aid. Janet will be selling the calendars at £3.99. Thank you for your help.

Our Worship on Sunday 31st October at 10.45am will be led by members of the Worship Group. Bible Readings. Mark 12: 28-31 and Ephesians 1: 3-13.

As most of you know Rev Jim is ill and we pray for him and wish him a speedy recovery.

Our Worship on Sunday 7th November at 10.45am will be led by Mrs Eileen Garfitt.

Rev Terry Hudson had been due to lead worship but unfortunately, he is indisposed. We thank Eileen for stepping in at short notice. The communion which would normally be held at this service is postponed until the following Sunday when Rev Janet is with us.

Our Worship for Remembrance Sunday on Sunday 14th November at 10.45am will be led by Rev Janet Calderley. Communion will be served at this service.


Remembrance Wooden Crosses with Poppy.

Val Atkinson has ordered some crosses from the British Legion. If you wish to purchase a cross for placing at the foot of the Peace Pole on Remembrance Sunday, please give Val your name so she can reserve one and ensure delivery.


Table Top Sale with a Bottle Stall on Saturday 6th November 10am to 12 noon

There will be a table top sale in the church hall on Saturday 6th November with proceeds going to the Church. We are looking for donations of various goods for the Table Top: Xmas goodies, games, books, toys, bric a brac etc – more always welcome – including bottles – which we haven’t had many of as yet. The bottles can be any sort of bottle: drinks; shampoo; shower gel; salad dressing etc, etc. Please bring any further contributions to church tomorrow or to next Thursday’s coffee morning. Volunteers are also required to run the event, so if you are able to help either on the Saturday morning or with any advance preparations, please could you let Jan H know. Refreshments will also be available. Thank you for any donations….they will be most welcome. Please come and support us on the day.


Church AGM

As the church was unable to hold an AGM last year because of Covid, we will be holding a short AGM in church after worship on Sunday 28th November. The Agenda will be circulated in due course. Anyone wishing to be sent a copy of the 2020 accounts should request one from me by email.


Thoughts from Jenny Caplin

Be still and let your thoughts just drift
But keep your aims in sight
And know always, with God’s great help,
Dark worries will take flight.

Remember that the clocks go back tonight.

Let us pray

Dear Lord Jesus We pray for those families known to us who have recently been bereaved. Please be with them, comfort them and help them through their grief. May they know the consolation of Your mercy, grace and powerful love. We pray for those who are ill in body or in spirit and ask for Your blessing on them. In Your name. Amen


Please join me in saying the Grace together.

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen

God Bless you all


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