Call to Worship
In awe, Almighty God, we praise you:
maker of all, holy and true, just and wise.
In awe, Almighty God, we praise you:
born the Prince of Peace, in Christ as King, the Man of love.
In awe, Almighty God, we praise you:
your Spirit here with us: reigning in our hearts, touching earth with heaven.
A prayer of thanks
Thank you, gracious God,
that, in Christ, we see the King of kings
and Lord of lords:
you, Almighty God, born in humility,
serving in love,
testifying to the truth
of your loving way for the world.
Thank you, gracious God,
that, in Christ, you call us to royalty:
a royal priesthood, part of your royal family,
bound to Christ the King:
serving as he served, loving as he loved.
Please read John 18:33-27
Pilate couldn’t work out what to charge Jesus with. So he popped out to ask the chief priests why they had brought Jesus to him.
Pilate must know something because he asks Jesus whether he is, or claims to be, King of the Jews. This means, does he claim to be King of Israel, who, in Pilate’s understanding, could only be appointed by the Emperor? The reply, typically indirect, asks whether Pilate has any evidence of his own that Jesus claimed this, or if he is just repeating what others allege. Jesus acknowledges some kind of kingship, but it is not a kingship of the Jews because they are the ones who want him. And it is not a kingship where his supporters will fight to have him released. His kingship is not ‘of this world’. His kingship is certainly different from that of Herod Antipas or the Emperor or any other known king (which is Pilates truth).
It’s difficult to work out what kind of king Jesus is. Both we and Pilate struggle to define one into which Jesus fits; we have to look at this man to discover what divine kingship is. It has something to do with proclaiming the truth.
Pilate’s relativist response is to stay within the oppressors truth – that all kings answer to Emperor not God. Happy in that subjective truth he goes on to proclaim Jesus a bandit.
Jesus implies that it isn’t. There’s only one truth and it is objective: that of Jesus Christ – all the other claims of truth are false news. Amen
(Further reading – not for the faint hearted:
A sending out prayer
Loving God,
help us go in the peace and plenty of heaven’s intention
to live in obedience to you,
who rules and reigns for ever. Amen.
Suggested Music
You are the King of glory
Meekness and majesty
To God be the glory
Gimme some truth