Dear Church Friends,
I have been thinking about everyone this week and hoping that you are keeping well and not getting too downhearted with the current situation and regulations imposed by coronavirus. Remember you are not alone as the Lord is with you. Even though we are unable to see people face to face we can still chat on the phone and keep in touch.
I should like to thank Linda L for leading our worship last Sunday. It was an uplifting and inspiring service. Linda said afterwards that it was the first time she had led a Sunday service, but she must be congratulated on her preparation and choice of music. Thank you, Linda from all those who were privileged to hear your service. The Lord was with you and shone through you.
Harvest Sunday
Last Sunday 23 different groups of people totalling 29 individuals attended the service and once again your response and generosity for the Harvest Appeal for Fylde Food Bank was amazing.
Thank you for bringing or sending so many gifts of goods and money to last Sunday’s Harvest Service. Thank you to everyone who donated in any way and thank you to Jan and helpers who organised onward transfer of the donations.
We have received the following letter of thanks from a different Linda – the one in charge of Fylde Food Bank.
“Rev Jim has asked me to notify you regarding donations received as a result of the Harvest collection at the White Church. Please see below:
- Food weighed in 65.89kgs
- Cheques received £195
- Cash received £130.
Please pass on our thanks to everyone who contributed. The foodbank is most grateful.
Kind regards
Fylde foodbank”
QR Code
The Government has launched a new App for mobile phones to help Track and Trace contacts of people who test positive. Using this involves downloading the App to your mobile phone and then scanning a QR Code at every public venue you visit. I’m sure this all sounds like a foreign language to many of you, but please don’t worry as there is no requirement to use this system and all people visiting our services will have their names recorded on the weekly register as happened last Sunday. For those who wish to use the App there is a QR Code at the White Church for you to scan on entry. Three copies of the QR code have been positioned, one at each entrance of the White Church. The system has been tested using the app downloaded on an apple phone and it shows the location, date and time of registration on the phone screen. Inside the main porch entrance the QR Code is positioned on the wall to the left of the steps leading into the sanctuary.
Several of you used this App last Sunday, although I didn’t hear whether it worked properly for you.
All names are put on the Booking Register for that week and each Register is retained for three weeks. If anyone who visits our Church is unfortunate to receive a positive test result at any time, please would you let me know.

This heron was seen last Sunday afternoon in the Rock Gardens opposite the Grand Hotel. It was standing there watching the water, completely oblivious to the many people nearby who were taking photographs of it. In the past I have seen some some Koi Carp in the water, but I don’t know whether it caught one as we were setting out on a walk and I didn’t stay long enough to find out. Sometimes we have been awakened by a cacophony of gulls in the early morning and, on looking out of the window, seen a heron standing on a nearby garage roof being ‘dive-bombed’ by the gulls. It ducked every time it saw one coming and they wouldn’t leave it alone until it flew away. I’m not sure what the gulls have against the heron!
The Heron demonstrates a wonderful example of patience and concentration. Is there a lesson in there for us?
Autumn – “Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness.”
Autumn is a busy time for people with gardens. Harvests are collected, vegetable plots cleared of dead plants, leaves change into beautiful colours and then fall off trees and look untidy on the ground and much of the wildlife prepares for winter hibernation. Depending on which way you look at things, some people would be sad to see the bareness and decay appearing, with empty spaces where once Summer blooms and produce were flourishing, whereas others would envisage the dead leaves turning into leaf mould which in turn will feed the trees above it and other plants around them. Flower seeds are dispersed by the wind, birds or fall to the ground where they sleep until reawakened by the coming of Spring. All this is part of a continual process of renewal and by removing this year’s plants there will be space next year for fresh flowers and produce to flourish. Can we make room in our minds and hearts for our own new spiritual growth?
Please be aware that it is necessary to leave the Church doors open for ventilation during services, so if the weather is chilly please wear some warm clothing.
The Service tomorrow – 4th October – will be led by Val Atkinson and will include Communion. If possible, please bring your own individual portion of bread or wafer and wine/juice/ water for the communion part of the service. There will be some individual prepacked cups with wafers available for anyone who forgets, so no one will miss out.
If you are intending to come tomorrow, please will you let me know by 6pm today.
October 4th is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi
The words of the hymn ‘Make me a channel of your peace’ have been attributed to St Francis. He is also believed to have said “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible” and “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle”.
Our Worship on Sunday October 11th will be led by Stuart Gay.
If you are intending to come on Oct 11th, please will you let me know by 6pm on Saturday Oct 10th.
Bible Studies
Rev Jim Williams has offered to lead weekly Bible Studies, both via Zoom and physically, starting with Genesis.
If you are interested in joining in please let the Acting Secretary know.
Sunday Communion Services
Rev Jim and Rev Janet conduct a regular Communion service on Sundays at 7pm. This can be accessed on Zoom and by phone. People should ring Jim – 01253 896371 or Janet – 01253 896056 for details and access.
Let us Pray
Dear Lord,
We pray for those whom we know and love who are in hospital, ill at home, recovering from operations, undergoing medical investigations or facing difficult times. We pray for all those who look after people in hospital, care homes and any other setting. We thank them for their dedication and hard work during these troubling times. We pray for your encouragement and strength to weather the storm. We pray that God will protect and comfort us and be with us all during the coming week. Amen
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all