Dear Church Friends,
How are you all this week? We have been fortunate enough to spend a few days in Lichfield visiting friends, Valerie and David H. They send their best wishes to those who know them. Lichfield covers a smaller area and has a lower population than Lytham St Annes but is a lovely city with a magnificent Cathedral and a University. The Cathedral is the only medieval three spired Cathedral in the UK with a history dating back to 700AD. Several famous people have lived in the city including Samuel Johnson and Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles. The whole area is full of parks and footpaths between the houses and, as it’s so compact, is ideal for seeing everywhere on foot. It’s in a lovely part of the country and close to Cannock Chase with the myriad opportunities for walking there. We enjoyed walks to the top of Hednesford Hill with wonderful views for miles over the surrounding countryside. One felt the peace and beauty of God’s natural world all around.
There was a good attendance at last Sunday’s service and I hope those of you who attended felt at ease with the way the communion elements were served. The Elders will be meeting on Monday and will decide whether to use the same procedure at the November communion service.
Harvest Sunday on 10th October 2021
It is our Harvest Service this Sunday. Please put any non-perishable gifts on the table at the front and any envelopes containing monetary gifts in the basket at the front (with any cheques made payable to ‘Fairhaven URC’ in a sealed envelope with Harvest Gift written on the outside). Any cheque/cash donations will be distributed 50/50 between local families in crisis and overseas aid (or possibly refugees from Afghanistan being housed in the UK). Your generosity over the years has been wonderful. Thank you.
Please support the church shop which is open in the hall after the Sunday service during coffee. Glenys will be pleased to help you. Janet S has a limited supply of Traidcraft items but she can order anything required from the brochures which are available for you to look through. The Real Advent Calendar will also be available for £3.99 through Janet. Please speak to Janet if you would like to buy one.
George Hughes was inspired by a beautiful morning to write the following:
A beauteous morning such as this
Inspires my heart, my soul, my all.
The risen sun is utter bliss;
Uplifting light, how can I fall?
A cloudless sky of topaz blue
Enthrals me as I raise my eyes,
And high my spirit flies to you
Oh, risen Lord who never dies.
The world awakes, another day
To start anew, refreshed and bright,
From dawn to eve, pray mark my way
And guard me through the darkest night.
As man and lark in bed and nest
Are stirring each from slumber deep,
Pray God revive their strength from rest
Oh, guardian who will never sleep!
Our Worship on Sunday 10th October at 10.45am, our Harvest Service will be led by Andrew Barratt. Kevin Morgan will play the organ for our service.
Our Worship on Sunday 17th October at 10.45am will be led by Richard Golding
Our Worship on Sunday 24th October at 10.45am will be led by Stuart Gay

There was a wonderful sunrise on Friday morning. John took this photo from our bedroom window shortly before the sun rose at 7.26 am. It was followed by an unseasonably warm day with only a very gentle breeze
Let us pray
Dear Lord Jesus,
We give thanks for all the beauty in your natural world. It has the power to uplift and refresh us. We pray for those who are still suffering from covid and its after effects. We pray for those who are ill, those who have been bereaved, those who are lonely or feeling unwanted and those who are anxious or depressed. Please give them Your strength, encouragement, love and peace and the faith to get through difficult times. We pray for your Blessing on the White Church Family and ask for Your abiding love. Amen
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all