Dear Church Friends,
I am sorry to have to tell you that we have lost another of our ‘golden oldies’. Gerald Frost passed away in hospital last
Saturday. I don’t have any further details, but please remember him and those who grieve for him in your prayers.
We are pleased to welcome back people who are attending a service for the first time since last March. We all look forward to the day when we can meet together without restrictions once more.
The early honeysuckle is starting to flower in our garden with its pink and white flowers. When in bud, they are purple on the outside, but as the flower opens the inside is revealed as pink and white. The apple blossom is similar – deep pink on the outside, but much paler pink and white when it opens. Our ancient apple and pear trees are likely to be blossoming fully at around the same time this year. This is unusual as our pear is normally first. I think the experts are describing this as a Backward Spring, because some things are very late. During the first world war in 1917 Thomas Hardy wrote a poem titled ‘the Backward Spring’. His poem reflected the weather in England during April, when temperatures were so low that the “trees were afraid to put forth buds, and there was timidity in the grass”. The myrtle bush “asks if it’s worth the fight this year with frost and rime, to venture forth one more time”. Although the month has been cold, we have seen a lot of sunshine which must have lifted everyone’s sprits. Now we have the month of May to look forward to as it is May 1st today. Summer must be on its way.

I can’t let this week pass without mentioning the late Captain Sir Tom Moore, who celebrated his hundredth birthday on 30th April a year ago and made his way into our hearts with his magnificent fundraising efforts. The memory of his incredible achievements will live on, together with his uplifting phrase “tomorrow will be a good day”. We thank God for the life of Captain Tom.
A Poem by Margaret Ingall.
Each day is a present, perfect and new
Given by Heaven for me and for you,
Given to mould and to shape how we will
With words and behaviour, for good and for ill.
So let us, each morning, resolve on a plan
To use every moment as best as we can
And fill every hour in just such a way
To show the Lord thanks for His gift of this day.
Our Worship on Sunday 2nd May at 10.45am will be led by Rev Martin Graham and will include Communion. If possible, please bring your own individual portion of bread and wine (squash or water) for communion services. There will be some individual prepacked cups with wafers available for anyone who forgets.
Please book by 6pm on Saturday 1st May
A few reminders for those attending services.
- Please arrive at church between 10.30 and 10.40am.
- A Steward will show you to a seat. To avoid contamination, do not change seats.
- Always maintain social distancing (2 metres). People in your household/social bubble may sit together.
- After you have been shown to a seat please do not wander. Please do not stop to chat as this will hold up others coming into the service.
- All should remain seated and not move about.
- At the end of the service, follow the stewards’ directions as you leave your seat, and exit quickly, observing safe social distancing.
Our Worship on Sunday 9th May at 10.45am will be led by Rev Janet Calderley
Link for Sunday Morning Zoom Worship at 10:30am which will be led by Rev Jim Williams
Lines to inspire us
These words were chipped out on the wall of an underground cellar in Cologne, Germany, while a courageous group of Jewish men and women were hiding during the Second World War.
We believe in the sun when it is not shining;
We believe in love even when we are not feeling it;
We believe in God even when he is silent.
Let us pray
Dear Lord Jesus,
We pray for those who are suffering at home and around the world. Please be with them through their troubles and guide and comfort them during the coming weeks. We pray for those who grieve or have heavy burdens. You are there as a help for the helpless, hope for the hopeless and strength for the weak. Thank you for being there for us. You are our hope and joy and strength. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit within us. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Please join me in saying the Grace together.
May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen
God Bless you all Ruth