We were pleased to be able again to support the Salvation Army with their Christmas Gift Appeal. The Salvation Army in Blackpool supports around 2500 families at Christmas. New toys […]
Advent Gifts
Last week we were pleased to be able to give 50 Fairtrade Real Advent calendars to Fylde Coast Women’s Aid and Home-Start Blackpool Wyre & Fylde. We also were able […]
Dates for your Diary
Everyone is welcome at our festive services and events.
Christmas Gift Appeal
This Christmas we will again be supporting the Salvation Army gift appeal. Donations of new items for children can be brought to any Thursday coffee morning or Sunday service until […]
Harvest Gifts
Our harvest gifts to Fylde Foodbank amounted to 121.16kg which equates to over 288 meals. Well done and thank you.
Mark – a life as it is meant to be lived
Rev Jim is running a Bible study every Wednesday morning up until Christmas at the White Church. Each session will begin at 11am and last about an hour at the […]
Heritage Open Days
The Church will be open on Friday 13th September and Saturday 14th September from 11am until 3.30pm and Sunday 15th September after the morning service until 3.30pm for Heritage Open […]
Christian Aid Week 12th to 19th May 2024
This year there is an opportunity to push back against poverty. With every gift, every action and every prayer every one of us can change lives. We will be delivering […]
Outreach Update
Jan and Janet from White Church Outreach visited the Salvation Army in Blackpool this week to hand over donations and £200 to their Christmas Appeal for the needy. Outreach had […]
Blessing of the blankets
Last Sunday our service was led by Rev Jim Williams. During the service he blessed the blankets made by church members and others who had attended the warm and welcoming […]
Christian Aid week 14th – 20th May 2023
Christian Aid Week focuses on Malawi this year, where climate change has made crops fail due to erratic weather. Floods have washed away crops and over 500,000 people have been […]
White Church Warm Hub crafting
The Warm Hub in the Dawson Hall has been open since early January on a Thursday afternoon where people can chat, sketch, drink refreshments and knit in a warm and […]
Joint Service with St Annes URC
Our two churches have been standing less than a couple of miles apart for well over 100 years, but as far as anyone knows the two United Reformed Churches in […]
Eco Lent Zoom Bible Study
You are invited to the Eco Lent Bible study on zoom. Begins 28th February at 7pm. If you would like to join us. Please register with Kerry: office@nwsynod.org.uk
Lessons for Lent
Rev Jim will hold classes during Lent discussing the passion story according to Matthew’s gospel. These will be held at St Annes URC on a Monday evening from 27th February […]
Warm and Welcoming Space
The Dawson Hall will be open each Thursday afternoon from 12th January until the end of March as a warm and welcoming space from 1pm to 4pm. Come for a […]
Congratulations Linda
Congratulations to Linda Lunn who has become a locally recognised Worship Leader. Linda undertook a course of study and reflection over two years and was mentored by Rene Kendall. She […]
Lilies at the Peace Pole
On Sunday 4th September Worship was led by Daleen Ten Cate, the mission mentor in North West synod. She brought with her a special spade which is travelling around all […]
September Newsletter
At the beginning of September many of us will have returned from our summer holidays refreshed (hopefully) and ready to dive back into church activities as all our various groups […]
Bible Study for Troubled Times
Rev Jim will be leading Bible study of Isaiah in four locations beginning at the end of September. Attendance can be every week or drop in and out as convenient
Church Open Sundays
Our lovely Church is open to the public every Sunday during August and on the 4th of September from 2pm to 4pm
Easter partnership Activities
You are warmly invited to these events. Pilgrimage Walking each day, Monday – Thursday 10am start time, no more than 2 hours walking – no matter what the weather! Monday […]
Lent Bible Study
Rev Janet is leading a 6 week series of Lent Bible studies, entitled Life on the Breadline, at St. Anne’s URC on Monday evenings at 7.30 pm from March 7th to April […]
March Newsletter from Rev Janet
March is usually a very busy time of year as it is almost always totally within the period of Lent with its study groups and all the associated activities which […]
Lent Bible Study
Rev Jim is running a Lent Bible study course in 3 locations: Kirkham 1pm Marton 3pm Bispham 7pm each Thursday from 17/2/22 to 24/3/22 . This will reflecting on […]
January Newsletter from Rev Janet
How far into the year can you go before you have to stop wishing people Happy New Year? By now I will have met most of you at least once […]
Christmas Toy Appeal
Thank you to everyone for their generous donations of toys and money to our Christmas Appeal. These will be used by the Salvation Army in Blackpool who are […]
December Newsletter from the Rev Janet
I once remarked to somebody that I am not a natural writer and that I often find it difficult to think of something new to write for church newsletters and […]
Table Top Sale 6th November 2021
Everyone welcome at the table top sale on the 6th November at the White Church. In aid of church funds.
November Newsletter from Rev Janet
As November approaches we enter a quiet time, a season of reflection and remembrance. At this time of year, as the nights grow longer and the temperatures drop, we gather […]
October Newsletter from Rev Janet
Once again we have come to that time of the year when everything is changing. Summer has given way to autumn, the trees are shedding their leaves and birds are […]
September Newsletter from Rev Janet
It’s that time of year again when I wish everybody a Happy New Year. Before you think I’m going crazy or that I have accidentally sent the wrong month’s newsletter […]
Bible Study October November 2021
Rev Jim is planning a Bible Study over 8 sessions in 4 locations in October and November : Fleetwood URC, Fairhaven URC, Hambleton URC and Poulton URC. He would encourage […]
August Newsletter from Rev Janet
I am writing this August newsletter a little bit earlier than usual at the beginning of July because I am going on holiday and it will be too late for […]
Sunday Morning Worship at the White Church
Sunday 9.30am to 10.15am Choir practice10.45am Morning Public Worship, Director of Music- David Windle Communion is held at the end of Worship on the 1st Sunday of the month The Elders […]
Praise in the Park Service and Walk Sunday 22nd August 2021
Ansdell Lytham and St Annes Churches Together are delighted to announce their next event. This will be a walk from Lytham or St Annes to Fairhaven Lake, followed by an […]
Fairtrade Lancashire at the Royal Lancashire Show
Royal Lancashire Show 30th July 31st July & 1st AugustSalesbury Hall, Salesbury Hall Road, Ribchester PR3 3XRFairtrade Lancashire will be at the Royal Lancashire Show celebrating, encouraging, and promoting Fairtrade […]
July Newsletter from Rev Janet
As I write this it is a bright sunny day in mid-June but by the time you read it it will probably be the beginning of July. By then I will have […]
Summer Newsletter from Rev Janet Calderley
According to the mediaeval English poem, ‘Sumer is icumen in, Lhude sing cuccu! Groweth sed, and bloweth med, And springth the wude nu.’ But is summer really coming in? As […]
Genesis Bible Study
Reverend Jim is hosting a seven week Bible study over Zoom looking at the book of Genesis. The series starts on Wednesday 26th May with a session at 3pm repeated […]
Christian Aid Week 10-16 May 2021
This is Christian Aid week. The focus this year is on the climate crisis, with people living in poverty fighting the worst of it every day, You can read more […]
May Newsletter from Rev Janet Calderley
I’ve just looked back to what I wrote for May last year and of course found the common theme that ‘infected’ everything that has happened over the last 15 months […]
Church Reopening for Public Worship
We are delighted that the Church will reopen for weekly public worship on Sunday 18th April 2021. These services will be held in a Covid secure way and numbers will […]
Easter Sunday Service
We are delighted to be able to celebrate Easter Sunday in the Church with Rev Jim leading a communion service at 2pm . Please read the Covid guidance carefully. SAFETY […]
Giving thanks for the Coronavirus Vaccine
Here at the United Reformed Church, as more of our family, friends, and neighbours receive their vaccine, we are both joyful and relieved. But we are aware that many communities […]
Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 22nd February to 7 March 2021
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. For two weeks each year at the […]
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the season of Lent. This is season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. Rev Janet has prepared […]
Temporary Closure
The Secretary of Fairhaven United Reformed Church made the following announcement today. “I am sorry to have to inform you that, although the government has said communal worship may continue, […]
Christmas Trail
In Search of Christmas is a trail for all the family in Ansdell and Fairhaven exploring what Christmas is all about. Look for the first poster to the right of […]
December Services
Sunday 20th December at 10.45amWorship led by Rev Terry Hudson.Places are limited so please book by 6pm on Saturday 19th December. Bookings to whitechurchsec@btinternet.com Friday 25th December at 10.30amChristmas Day […]
Fylde Foodbank News
Excerpts from Fylde Foodbank Volunteers Coronavirus Newsletter September 2020 A message from the Chair of Trustees – Kim Cook “Firstly a really big thank you to all those volunteers who […]
Harvest Sunday at The White Church
The Sunday service at The White Church on 27th September 2020 is our Harvest Service. For details click here
Sunday Worship Recommences
We are pleased to announce a return to Sunday worship at The White Church. Services will begin at 10.45am and last for about 20 minutes. Whilst we should like to […]
Looking Forward to a Re-opening
The Elders of Fairhaven URC are now aiming to re-open the church for public worship on Sunday 20th September when the Reverend Janet Calderley is due to lead the service.
Art Theology No. 12
The Holy Trinity: Fr. A. J. Thamburaj, SJ (India 1939–) The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be […]
Art Theology No. 11
The tomb with the hands (Roermond, Netherlands, 1888) I came across this photograph recently whilst delving into my family ancestry. To me it speaks volumes about the world of today. […]
Fylde Foodbank June Newsletter
Fylde Foodbank Volunteers Coronavirus Newsletter May 2020 Latest instalment of our Newsletter for volunteers. As the pandemic continues, a few volunteers in the over 70’s age group have asked when […]
A Virtual Prayer Tour of our church
It’s been nearly 3 months now since we had to close our church doors. It’s not been an easy decision to live with and it has often been questioned if […]
Art Theology No. 10
Another Place: Anthony Gormley (2005) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I […]
Art Theology No. 9
Doves by Yves Cass (2013) When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water […]
Art Theology No. 8
“Game Changer” (Banksy 2020) No art series would be complete without an appearance from Banksy the subversive and secretive street artist renowned for his novel, comic and often ironic artwork […]
Art Theology No. 7
Ball and Chain (The Bear 2020) The picture shows one of three pieces of street art by the graffiti artist The Bear which have appeared in Glasgow during the lockdown. […]
Art Theology No. 6
“The Fever Van” by Laurence Stephen Lowry, (1887-1976) The fever van was the colloquial term in the north of England for the ambulance that transported patients with infectious diseases, usually […]
Foodbank News and Appeal
As a member church of the Ansdell and Fairhaven Churches Together group we are sharing this message from the Vicar of St Pauls, Paul Bye, about the Fylde Foodbank, where […]
Art Theology No. 5
This time we have reflections from two members of the West Lancashire URC Partnership. The first is from Karen Abrams of Fleetwood URC and the second is from Ian Mottram […]
Ascension Day
Some Ascension Day thoughts from the Rev. Janet Calderley: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acts 1:1-11 New Revised Standard Version The Promise of the Holy Spirit 1 In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about […]
Mentors Meanders
Dear Friends Over the last few weeks I attended the “ Church on the Margins” zoom meetings. In one of these sessions we were invited to reflect alongside Deirdre Brower […]
Art Theology No. 4
Number 4 in Rev. Jim Williams ‘Art Theology’ series: An old woman with a rosary: Paul Cezanne 1895-96 Daniel 9:18 “O my God, lean down and listen to me. Open […]
Update from the URC
Update from the United Reformed Church following the statement by the Prime Minister In light of recent statements from the Prime Minister, and from the devolved governments in Wales and […]
Fylde Foodbank May Newsletter
Fylde Foodbank Volunteers Coronavirus Newsletter May 2020 It seems many volunteers have appreciated keeping up to date with news from the foodbank so here is the next instalment. Today the […]
Art Theology No. 3
Next in Rev. Jim Williams series of ‘Art Theology’ reflections: Shaida Walking: Julian Opie 2015 Palm 119: 1 You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road […]
Reflection for the Week
St Annes United Reformed Church REFLECTIONS for 3 May 2020 Greetings to the eleven churches in the Partnership in the Western Area of the NW Synod of the United […]
Christian Aid Week
Christian Aid Week runs from 10th May to 16th May. Under the current circumstances, sadly, donation envelopes will not be collected, and it will not be possible to make a […]
Art Theology No. 2
Here is the second in Rev. Jim Williams series of ‘Art Theology’ reflections: The Hotel Room: Edward Hopper (1931) Proverbs 19:15 Lethargy brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go […]
Rev Jim Williams’ Home Service
Hi everybody Another peculiar week! The hospital seems a little less busy, but I’ve heard that the foodbank (especially the one at Kirkham) was really, really busy. I’ve been able […]
“Don’t Cling to Me” – reflection by Rev. Jim Williams
Noli me tangere (Don’t cling to me) altarpiece: Jacopo Di Cione ca. 1368–70 John 20: 15b She thought he was the gardener. “Sir,” she said, “if you have taken […]
Window Witness this Easter
Christians in Lancashire are being encouraged to make a cross on Palm Sunday and place it in the window of their home. This will be a sign to those who […]
Sharing Worship Online
We miss going to Church for our Sunday services and it is especially hard this Easter time. However there are other ways to share worship. As you won’t be able […]
Church Activities Suspended
Following advice from the Ministries Office of the United Reformed Church, which in turn is a response to Government guidance, the elders and members of Fairhaven URC regret that services […]
World Leprosy Sunday
Margaret Russell will lead our service on Sunday (15th March), beginning at 10.45am. All are welcome. This is our World Leprosy Sunday and Paul Moores, Regional Manager for The Leprosy […]
Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight 2020 runs from Monday 24th February to Sunday 8th March. The Fairtrade organisation continues its mission to ensure that all farmers are paid fairly for their work and […]
Fylde Arts Association Afternoon Recital
On Friday (6th March) we have another Fylde Arts Afternoon Recital at The White Church, starting at 2pm. It features Jonathan Guy on clarinet and Philip Kubilius on Piano. Admission […]
World Day of Prayer
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER , 6th MARCH 2020 (A WOMEN LED, GLOBAL, ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT) Women, men and children of all ages are called to ‘Rise, take your mat and walk’ […]
Music Recital by The Stonebridge Quartet
Fylde Arts Association Afternoon Recital at The White Church Friday 7 February 2020 Starts at 2.00pm The Stonebridge Quartet Programme Mozart Quartet No 22 in Bb K589 Shostakovich Quartet No […]
Music Recital
Fylde Arts Association Afternoon Recital Friday 7 February 2020 Starts at 2.00pm Charlotte Dowding (violin) and William Dowding (piano) Programme Chausson Poème Op 25 Wieniawski Violin […]
Churches Together Table Top Sale
Table Top Sale with bottle and cake stalls. Saturday 1st February, 10am to 12pm, at the Dawson Hall of The White Church Admission 25p or donation. Buy something interesting, have […]
Scottish Evening
Our Scottish Evening was a great success, thanks to the hard work of the ladies of the White Church Social and Fundraising Group. A good meal and lots of fun, […]
The Real Advent Calendar
Each year, White Church member Janet Sherwood coordinates the purchase and distribution of the Meaningful Chocolate Company Real Advent Calendar. It is the only Fairtrade chocolate Advent calendar which includes […]
Music Recital
Fylde Arts Society Afternoon Recital Friday 24 January 2020 at 2.00pm, Fairhaven URC (The White Church) Eberle String Trio Pamela Redman (violin) Allison Calderbank (viola) Robert Buller (cello) Admission is […]
Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
To mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven are holding a service in Fairhaven Methodist Church at 7.30pm on Thursday 23rd January. The […]
Epiphany Service
Our regular Sunday service at 10.45am on 5th January marks Epiphany, which falls on 6th January, and will be led by Reverend David Phillips. Director of Music is Arthur Lingings. […]
Christmas Day Family Service
A short service, beginning at 10.30am, at which we give thanks and celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christmas Eve Service
Our Christmas Eve Service (including Holy Communion) begins at 11pm on 24th December and ends just turned Midnight as we greet Christmas Day and celebrate the birth of our Saviour, […]
Gifts for Refugees
Gifts for Syrian refugees were collected at The White Church on Sunday 15th December. These were donated and wrapped by Church members for refugees who have been welcomed to the […]
Blackpool Male Voice Choir – Christmas Concert
The Blackpool Male Voice Choir gave a wonderful concert of Christmas music on Friday evening, 13th December. Ruth, our Church Secretary said, “Special thanks to the Outreach group for organising […]
Christingle Service
Our service on 8th December, the second Sunday of Advent, is our Christingle Service. for a full list of our December services, see below.
Advent Tea
Our Advent Tea was held on Saturday 30th November, 2pm to 4pm. Here is how our Church Secretary described the event, “This was a very happy and successful afternoon. The […]
Churches Together Advent Service
Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven hold their Advent Service at The White Church on Wednesday 27th November at 7.30pm. Please join us for worship and enjoy the fellowship of […]
Churches Together to Support Charities in The Gambia
Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven – Supporting Charitable Projects Joan Baldwin, representative from The White Church and Chair of Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven reports on the projects to […]
Concert at the White Church
Soprano Jane Wilkinson will be performing at the White Church on Friday 22nd November at 7.30pm Jane Wilkinson grew up on the Fylde Coast and attended Rossall School. She studied […]
Remembrance at the Peace Pole
On Sunday 10th November, after our Service of Remembrance inside the church, prayers were said at our Peace Pole in the grounds of the White Church, and members of the […]
An Evening of Great Opera
An action packed evening of opera with Musica Lirica Opera singers and orchestra plus special Italian guests: Sonia Sciamanna, soprano and Stefano Grassi, tenore. Sunday 17 November at 7.30pm at […]
Marie Curie Christmas Gift and Craft Fair
The Christmas Gift and Craft Fair in aid of Marie Curie took place on Saturday 9th November at The White Church and was very well supported. Those attending enjoyed tea, […]
Music Recital – Eberle String Trio with pianist David Battersby
Friday 1 November 2019 at 2.00pm at the White Church Fylde Arts Society Afternoon Recital Admission is £10 (Fylde Arts Members £8) Eberle String Trio with David Battersby (piano) Mozart […]
Visit to the Fleetwood Hub Project by Churches Together
Representatives from Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven, including Jan Hirst and Linda Lunn from the White Church, recently handed over a cheque for £1,617.49 to the Fleetwood Trust for […]
Walk for Africa
The annual ‘Walk for Africa’, organised by the White Church Outreach group, took place on Saturday 19th October. This is a fundraiser to support the Stuart Gay Memorial School in […]
Primary School Visit Church
Recently, The White Church was visited by a class from Ansdell Primary School. 33 children completed the Children’s Church Trail, devised by The Arts Society Fylde specially for The White […]
Fylde Arts Society Music Recital
Fylde Arts Society present: Laurie Ashworth (soprano) John Gough (piano) Rachel Filhart (clarinet) Friday 25th October 2019 at 2.00pm in the White Church Admission is £10 (Fylde Arts Members £8) […]
Brian Jolly appointed Moderator
Congratulations to Brian Jolly who has been nominated as the next Moderator of the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church. Read more about Brian and his appointment here […]
Autumn Concert by Lytham Community Choir
Lytham Community Choir’s Autumn Concert at the White Church on Saturday 12th October featured an entertaining mix of songs and included three beautifully performed songs sung by the Lytham Youth […]
Concert by The Pennine Piano Trio
Fylde Arts Association present: The Pennine Piano Trio Julian Cann (violin) Robert Buller (cello) Philip Kubilius (piano) Friday 4th October 2019 at 2.00pm Admission is £10 (Fylde Arts Members £8) Programme: […]
Giving and Harvest Thanksgiving
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Richard Golding led us today […]
Harvest Thanksgiving Service
Richard Golding is leading us in worship on Sunday, 22nd September. This will be our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. All are welcome. Our service starts at 10.45am. Traditionally, at this time, […]
Children’s Church Trail
The Arts Society Fylde have produced a Children’s Church Trail for the White Church. This is to be launched at our Heritage Open Days on 19th, 20th and 22nd September […]
Heritage Open Days
The White Church is a Grade 2 * Listed building and we show our building to the public every year as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. This […]
Piano Recital by Philip Kubilius
Fylde Arts Association present: Philip Kubilius on Piano Friday 6 September 2019 at 2.00pm Admission is £10 (Fylde Arts Members £8) Programme: Mozart Sonata No […]
Strawberry Tea
The Strawberry Tea held in the Dawson Hall of the White Church on Saturday 20th July was a great success. It was a really good social occasion and raised £300 […]
Church Open Days
We are in our 16th year of opening the Church every Thursday and Sunday afternoon for prayer and meditation. People who have lost someone or are troubled can come in, […]
Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven
Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven are under the umbrella of Churches Together in Lancashire. Five churches are in the group and the aim is ‘to work together, for the […]
Concert at The White Church
The concert performance of Carmen, with full orchestra, on Sunday 30th June, by Musica Lirica Opera Company was a huge success with an exceptionally large audience. White Church volunteers worked […]
Marie Curie Afternoon Tea
Another success for the Marie Curie Lytham St Annes Fundraising Group at the White Church. They put on a great afternoon tea event on 7th June, enjoyed by all who […]
Lytham URC Banner
Towards the end of 2014, Lytham United Reformed Church closed, and 10 members of that Church became members at the White Church. Some artefacts and furnishings also came to the […]
World Leprosy Sunday
Linda Lunn took over the role of collecting for the Leprosy Mission at the White Church, from Hilary McGregor who died last year. Donations of cash in collection boxes and […]
Service for Peace
On Sunday 7th April 2019, the White Church hosted an Ecumenical Service for Peace led by Reverend Daleen ten Cate which included the dedication of the Peace Pole, recently installed […]
Cream Tea with Magic!
The latest in a series of successful social and fund-raising events took place at the White Church on Saturday afternoon, 6th April 2019. Those attending were entertained by magician Philip […]
Irish Evening
On Saturday 16th March, an Irish Evening was held in the Dawson Hall of the White Church. Like the Scottish Evening, the event was a great success, and a good […]
Fairtrade Coffee ‘Morning’
To mark the end of Fairtrade Fortnight, a Fairtrade Coffee Morning will be held after morning worship this Sunday, 10th March. Please join us and support a very good cause. […]
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical initiative led by Christian women, who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. It is celebrated annually […]
Men’s Forum Coffee Morning
Mike Fenton, President of Lytham St Annes Men’s Forum presents a cheque for £471-50 to Margaret Gregory of the Marie Curie, Lytham St Annes Fundraising Group Lytham St Annes […]
Scottish Evening
On Saturday 26th January, a Scottish Evening was held in the Dawson Hall of the White Church. Attended by nearly 60 people, the evening was a great success, and everyone […]
Walk for Africa 2018 – Update
Walk for Africa 13th October 2018 – the walkers gather at the White Church When preaching recently at the White Church, Stuart Gay updated the Congregation on the Nemu […]
Blackpool Male Voice Choir Concert, 14th December
Blackpool Male Voice Choir Concert on 14th December Photo credit: Becky Ryan The Church resounded to the wonderful sound of the 30+ members of the Male Voice Choir who […]
The Peace Pole, Day and Night
The new Peace Pole at the White Church is now bedded in. It received some coverage in the Lytham St Annes Express, in the 15th November edition, thanks to our […]
Advent Afternoon
On Saturday afternoon, 24th November the White Church held its Advent Afternoon. Volunteers from the Church set-up and decorated the Dawson Hall on Friday evening and opened this social and […]
Installation of our Peace Pole
On Monday 29th October 2018, a chilly but wonderfully bright day, a Peace Pole was installed in the grounds of the White Church. Peace Poles are monuments recognised throughout the […]
Missional Partnership Area Get-together
On Saturday 27th October members of URC Churches from across the Fylde area gathered together at the White Church to meet each other and share aspects of their Church mission […]
Harvest Lunch
Happy eaters enjoyed a two-course lunch and good fellowship after the Harvest Thanksgiving Service at the White Church on Sunday 30th September. The magnificent efforts of members of our Church […]
Harvest Service
The Church looked splendid for our Harvest Thanksgiving Service led by Andrew Barratt. Many thanks to those who created the lovely displays and to those who made donations that will […]
Blackpool Male Voice Choir Concert
From the Blackpool Male Voice Choir Facebook page: “For our friends in Lytham! It is a couple of years since we sang in Lytham and we are really looking forward […]
Refugee Visit
The White Church hosted a visit by refugees and asylum-seekers on Monday 23rd July, when a group journeyed from Darwen, in very distinctive transport, for a day out at the […]
White Church is ‘Church of the Week’
The National Churches Trust, who gave a grant of £12,000 towards repairs to the White Church, have recently featured the White Church as their ‘Church of the Week’. Here is […]
Marie Curie Afternoon Tea Fundraiser
The Marie Curie Afternoon Tea took place on Friday 6th July and it was great to see the Dawson Hall full of life again. The Marie Curie volunteers were well […]
Christian Aid Week Report
Janet Sherwood, treasurer for Christian Aid at the White Church, has reported on the results for Christian Aid Week and described them as “an amazing effort by everyone at the […]
Lytham Club Day Songs of Praise
Lytham Club Day Songs of Praise at Lytham Hall with Lytham Community Choir, Sunday 24th June 2018. Brilliant weather for a lovely service to mark the end of the Club […]
Concert by 2nd Rossendale Scout Band
The concert by 2nd Rossendale Scout Band at the White Church on Saturday evening, 23rd June was a great success. The magnificent sound of the band filled the Church, enhanced […]
Dawson Hall Reopened
Fairhaven United Reformed Church are pleased to announce that, with the current phase of restoration work coming to an end, the Dawson Hall at the White Church has been reopened. The […]
Pentecost Walk of Witness
The Churches Together, Pentecost Walk of Witness took place on Sunday afternoon, 20th May, with some members of Fairhaven URC attending. On this warm afternoon, walkers from Lytham churches set […]
Charity Walk
White Church members Judith and Mike Fenton completed the Coniston to Barrow Challenge on 12th May. They walked 21 miles in 7 hours,(including stops). They were part of a team […]
Arts Society Presentation
The Church Recording volunteers of The Arts Society Fylde spent nearly six years studying the White Church and its history. The result of their painstaking work is a beautifully bound […]
St George’s Day Celebration
Our afternoon of celebration on Saturday 21st April raised over £350 for Church funds Church members and visitors (some just passers by) enjoyed home made scones with cream and jam, […]
Big Brew
As our contribution to Fairtrade Fortnight, a Traidcraft Big Brew was held in the Dawson Hall after the Service on Sunday 4th March. Traidcraft tea, coffee and biscuits were served, […]
Men’s Forum Charity Coffee Morning
The winning raffle tickets are drawn. The Lytham St Annes Men’s Forum held their annual charity fund-raising coffee morning in the Dawson Hall of the White Church on Friday […]
Lent Lunch
The first of this year’s Lent lunches organised by Churches Together in Ansdell and Fairhaven was held at the White Church on 21st February. Over fifty people enjoyed a variety […]
Outreach Handover
Val Muir, Outreach Group Leader Jan Hirst and Janet Sherwood hand over a donation from the White Church to Digby Moulden at the Lifeboat Station in St Annes. On […]
Celebrating Christmas
A couple of pictures and a note of thanks from Elder and Church Secretary, Valerie Aitkin. “Many thanks to everyone who made our services over the festive period so welcoming. […]
Advent at the White Church
A selection of pictures to show our celebration of Advent: Christmas decorations and our Advent candles. Nativity service, Sunday 17th December. Enjoying […]
Walking Nativity
A number of White Church members took part in the Walking Nativity in Lytham on Saturday 16th December. John Addey took these pictures.
Fair and Fun and for Advent ♡
The sale of ‘The Real Advent Calendars’ at the White Curch by Janet Sherwood, our Traidcraft and Fairtrade representative, enabled the White Church, along with Fairhaven Methodist, Church Road Methodist, […]
Christmas Concert
On the evening of Friday 15th December we welcome the Salvation Army Fellowship Band who will be performing a Christmas Concert.. Tickets for this popular seasonal event are £6.50. Seasonal […]
A Gift for Africa
On Sun 12 November our Remembrance Service was led by Stuart Gay, Salvation Army Envoy. During the Service, Stuart was presented with a cheque for £1,000 by Outreach Elder, Jan […]
The White Church Pre-Advent Fair
The Pre-Advent Fair on Saturday 4th November was well supported. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant social occasion with tea and mince pies, and various stalls. A good sum of money was […]
Walk for Africa
On 21st October twenty members and friends from Fairhaven, St Annes and Elswick URC’s took part in a sponsored walk around Fairhaven and Ansdell to raise money for the Stuart […]
Celebrating 100 years
On Sunday 12th November the White Church celebrated the recent 100th birthday of our oldest Church Member and Choir member – Jim Crossan. At morning worship Jim was presented with […]
Coffee Morning for the Lifeboat Appeal
Lytham St Annes RNLI is the White Church’s chosen local charity for this year and to raise funds towards the costs of the new Shannon lifeboat the Church held a […]
Harvest Service and Lunch
At our Harvest Service on 1st October cash donations of £228.58 were received in the ‘Wishing Well’ for Fylde Food Bank and 132.11kg of food stuffs was donated. The Harvest […]
National Churches Trust – Exploring Churches
Fairhaven United Reformed Church is now featured in an excellent new website. ExploreChurches has been created by the National Churches Trust working with partners including all the main denominations and […]
Mike & Judith Ran for a Lifeboat
White Church members Mike and Judith Fenton took part in the Great North Run to raise money for a new lifeboat at Lytham St Annes. They ran in this famous […]
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be collecting free donations for the White Church? There […]
Matero Sunday School
Stuart Gay has provided an update on the Matero Salvation Army project in Zambia: Some time ago, The White Church selected the building of a Sunday school at Matero Salvation […]
The Stuart Gay Memorial School
Over the last five years the White Church has supported a school in West Africa which was founded by Stuart Gay of Blackpool Salvation Army. Stuart is a good friend […]
Strawberry Tea
Our annual Strawberry Tea on 8th July raised a grand total of £495.51. This has since been boosted by further donations to provide a total of £517.51 for Church funds. […]
Choir Concert for the RNLI
Lytham Community Choir’s concert at St Annes Lifeboat House on Saturday 1st July was a great success, raising more tha £900 for the new Shannon lifeboat. Members of the White […]
Janet Sherwood continues to run a Traidcraft stall in the White Church almost every Sunday with others from the White Church Outreach Group helping on an “ad hoc” basis. Janet […]